Land Resources Directory

This online directory features 600+ sites listed on GeoInfo Map as "Vacant Government Sites Available for Application for Greening or Government/ Institution/ Community Uses". By improving data transparency with first-hand photos and field observations, CollaborateHK strives to encourage public reimagination of our city's valuable land resources.

The directory updates every two week along with Lands Department's list. Click here > to explore the newly added site(s)!

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What is Vacant Site?

In Hong Kong, there is not an official definiton for the term "vacant site", but in general it refers to the following three types of sites:

Vacant Government Land

Government Land

is unsold, unleased and unallocated government land or premises. To optimise land utilisation, the Lands Department will select some sites that are pending development for temporary or short-term gainful uses where practicable, including putting up for application by NGOs or social enterprises for community, institutional or non-profit-making purposes.

UnderutilisedPublic Space

Public Space

could be under-the-flyover space, pedestrian passageway and little-used open spaces that are commonly found around our neighbourhoods. By activating these spaces, people have more places to gather, enjoy and relax.

IdlePrivate Space

Private Space

commonly include: empty factory buildings, disused premises, unleased stores, abandoned farmland and rooftops. If you see potential in your space for community happenings, you are most welcome to approach us for further collaboration.

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